Typical AMA / MMM Event Rules
General Rules: MMM events are flown to AMA Category II rules. In general, category II rules are official flights that have a limit of 3 minutes maximum (a max). Six attempts are allowed to achieve three official flights and an official flight is generally a flight of a minimum of 40 seconds. In the case of 2-minute events, the flight maximums are 2 minutes. If 3 “maxes” are achieved in the course of flying three official flights or a tie, additional or fly-off flights are allowed according to the specific event rules.
For current AMA Outdoor Flying Rules click here: AMA 2022-2023 Outdoor Free Flight
For current AMA Indoor flying Rules click here: 2019-2021 Indoor Free Flight
For National Free flight society Event Rules click here: 2021-2022 NFFS-Competition-Rules
Gas Powered Models: Gas Free Flight rules are 9 second engine runs and 3 minute flight maxes. Flyoff flights, in case there is a tie have successively reduce engine runs. FAI Powered models fly under stringent engine run, minimum weights, and flight rules that are not detailed here.
Electric Powered Models: Electric Powered Models are similar to Gas Powered models with the exception of using electric motors and appropriate motor runs. See the AMA Rules for Clarification.
Rubber Powered Models: The two rubber events under AMA rules we fly are Unlimited Rubber, sometimes called Mulvihill, and P-30. The rules are simple. Unlimited rubber limits the airplane to 300 square inches of wing area and flies 3 minute maxes. P-30 limits the airplane to any overall dimension to 30 inches, a minimum weight of 30 grams, a standard 9” diameter plastic propeller, and a rubber weight of 10 grams. In addition, we fly what is called “Gollywock.” The Gollywock is an old time design that flies under unlimited rules.
Towline gliders: F1H – (small) and F1A – (large) type gliders are governed by FAI rules, but in general, Tow Line gliders utilize a towline of 50 meters (164 ft) and 3 minute maxes for A-2 and 2 minute maxes for A-1. The specific airplane requirements are not discussed here, but A-1 gliders are small and A-2 gliders are bigger. In addition there is an NFFS “Classic Glider” event where wing area is limited to 750 inches square.
Hand Launched / Catapult Launched Gliders: These models are typically small balsa wood models that the flyer throws into the air (HLG) or catapulted (CLG) with a 9 inch loop of ¼” wide rubber strip mounted on a 6” stick. In these events, 2 minute maxes for Hand launched and 90 Second maxes for CLG are used. We fly the best three of six flights.